In the rise of the mobile era ad tech industry experienced a shift in the way audience consumes the information. The user is no longer glued to a single device while watching, reading, and browsing with a number of gadgets. Multi-screening became a new norm, and marketers have to adjust to the new reality.

This June, IAB Technology Laboratory released their new ad portfolio. The latest version features adjustable ads that adapt creatives to different screen sizes and resolutions. After four months it’s time to take a look at it again and check how the industry sees the transition.

The new portfolio was designed to replace previous guidelines that include rich media units, Universal Ad Package (UAP), as well as guidance for other ad units. The portfolio integrates flexible ad sizes and incorporates the LEAN Principles of lightweight, encrypted, AdChoices supported by non-invasive advertising.

The new IAB ad portfolio was designed for HTML5. It includes the guidelines for social media, mobile emoji ad messaging, mobile video ads, virtual reality, augmented reality, as well as 360-degree video ads. To check the final specifications of the ad units, please go to

In the new guidelines, the formats are defined by the aspect ratio: width and height. Therefore, the ad has to maintain its aspect ratio to fill the maximum placement available.

The tech world is evolving at a rapid pace and it’s up to every company how well they will adapt to the new media consumption rules. At SmartyAds we were always the first to implement the new technology and ride the wave of innovations. The demand for the new ad unit guidelines has been developing for several years and now it’s time to change the principles accordingly.

SmartyAds supports the latest principles outlined in the IAB Standard Ad Unit Portfolio and will implement a step-by-step transition to the new guidelines. As successful implementation of flexible sizes requires cooperation from the supply side, demand-side, and supporting services, we do the utmost to support this cooperation and encourage our clients to explore the opportunities of adjustable ad formats.

Looking for cross-screen, adjustable, and lightweight ad format? Our dedicated team will be glad to help you find it. Be sure to contact us today!